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The more we talk about how fucked up we are, the more normal we all feel.
So let’s talk about it. In front of 100 people, of course.
Why would you ever want to do that, you might be asking?
Because radical vulnerability is cleansing, healing, beautiful, and did we mention funny?
Because it’s funny as hell.
When Taboo the Show creator Laurenne Sala’s dad committed suicide, she didn’t talk about it to anyone for 12 years. In that time, she harbored a deep sense of grief and shame.
And when she started to share, it didn’t fix everything, but it did give her a chance to start to heal. Which is why we want to share the healing power of sharing our most taboo, unspeakable stories with people like you.
Since 2010, a raw, beautiful, powerful cornucopia of storytellers – seasoned performers and newbies alike, have taken to our stage to share their deepest, truest, and funniest taboo stories in Hollywood and now NYC.
The subject of our shows run the gamut: getting HIV, to transitioning genders, feeling old and lonely, not liking motherhood, being born with a body that doesn’t work like other bodies. We truly believe that bringing our stories to light – no matter how painful or taboo they are – can bring us a greater sense of healing.
Believe us, we’ve heard pretty much everything. If you told us you had your grandma’s dead body in your freezer, we’d just – well, what happens at Taboo stays at Taboo.
Besides the live show, we host the popular Taboo Tales podcast, hold writing workshops, and provide consultations to help people transform their shame and fear into stories that can connect with others.
Share your own taboos. Listen to taboos. Join the taboo community – we can’t wait to meet you!
Meet the Creators

Corey Podell is a writer and actress with a recurring role on the award winning TV series, Transparent. She has also appeared in HBO’s The Comeback, 2 Broke Girls, and Jimmy Kimmel Live! When she isn’t working on Taboo Tales, Corey teaches improv and sketch comedy at the Groundlings Theater in LA and hosts a podcast on Feral Audio called ‘We Should Have a Podcast’
Corey’s taboo: Her dad still buys her groceries sometimes. She’s 35.

Laurenne Sala has told several taboo tales about her vagina and her dead dad. She created the original Kia hamster commercial during her ten years writing TV spots and various ad paraphernalia meant to get people to buy things they don’t need. She’s an expert at writing jokes since she used humor to get people to like her in high school (it totally worked). She’s since finished her Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, which she uses to ask storytellers personal questions and get them to dive deeper into their emotions (sorrrrry). She’s the author of Amazon Bestseller You Made Me a Mother.
Laurenne’s taboo: She is deathly afraid of anyone touching her bellybutton.
Meet your NYC Hosts

Vanessa Golenia, host of Taboo Tales NYC, is a “content strategist” which is just a fancy way of saying she’s pretty good at creating original content that people care about. She spends her days knowing all there is to know about culture and digital media. And because she’s innately curious, she will certainly ask you inappropriate questions. When she’s not answering Laurenne’s emails, you can find this girl around the NY comedy scene performing with her “ladyprov” group or sharing deeply personal stories about herself.
Vanessa’s Taboo: On a completely sober commute, Vanessa managed to fall into a NYC subway track. She now fears she might be carrying rat AIDS.

Sandi is a retired talent agent who became a nationally known storyteller. She appears in all the best basements and lofts in NY and Los Angeles and can be heard on a multitude of podcasts. She is the featured subject in a documentary titled “The Fabulist” hopefully released this year. Sandi’s also been featured at the Boston Comedy Festival, CinderBlock and “She Makes Me Laugh” festival and kinda likes being the old dame in the room.
Sandi’s Taboo: She may or may not pay for all her items she self scans at Stop and Shop.
Other great folks at taboo

Claire Dougherty loves taking dietary supplements to keep her digestion in line and hates making smoothies for people. Claire is an aspiring something. She can write a poem that will make you laugh and cry.
Claire’s taboo: She was twice rejected from employment at Trader Joe’s.

Simone DeBlasio wears many hats and has many names. One for each of her personalities. When she’s not posing as an author, producer, songwriter, sponsor, wife or fake vegan, you can usually find her stalking Boston Terriers. To learn more, visit www.simonepond.com
Simone’s taboo: One time when I was playing “doctors” with my neighbor, she sprinkled Old Bay spicy seasoning on my little girl parts. Ouch..