Derek Bloch and the billion year contract

Former Scientologist, Derek Bloch, shares his harrowing history of institutional abuse at the hands of the Sea Org, his eventual escape, and dedication to rebuilding his life over the past few years. Derek speaks his truth without fear, and is a beautiful example of...

Johanna Stein and the practical joke

Johanna Stein loves jokes, especially the practical kind. The hilarious and wonderful author of the memoir, “How Not To Calm a Child on a Plane”, joins us to share her piece about an epic prank gone awry, and the conversation continues into the REAL...

Jeanie Bergen and sisterly love

Writer and generally wonderful person, Jeanie Bergen, talks about what it was like to go from care free to care taker in an instant. When Jeanie had to shift her life around to make room for her sister Edna, she faced more than just government red tape and rude looks...